
Tuesday, August 10, 2021

PART 7 - WHAT @mcps @mocoboe KNEW in 2011: Children were Scared. Children were Being Hit and Pulled. Children "had to tell someone about this before this gets out of hand."

@mcps @mocoboe Let's Review What You Knew About Former Broad Acres Elementary School Teacher Richard W. Scherer Back in 2011 While We Wait for Your Official Statement.

The Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, MD has obtained a copy of the Criminal Complaint and the Affidavit in support of the criminal complaint in the arrest of former MCPS Broad Acres Elementary School teacher Richard Scherer. 

In Part 7 of our series on the information revealed by the FBI in their Criminal Complaint on former MCPS Broad Acres Elementary School teacher Richard W. Scherer the public learns that back in 2011, MCPS and the Board of Education initiated an internal investigation into teacher Richard W. Scherer's interactions with students.  

The MCPS Investigation Specialists report included a statement written by a student that said:

  • the children were scared,
  • the children were being hit,
  • the children were being pulled,
  • the situation with their MCPS teacher, Richard W. Scherer, was getting out of hand.

Was the statement from the victim turned over to Child Protective Services?  Was the statement turned over to Montgomery County Police? 
Why was a teacher with known inappropriate interactions with children allowed to retire?  
Aren't inappropriate interactions with children an offense that would result in a MCPS employee being fired? Shouldn't this child's statement have been turned over to Child Protective Services and the Montgomery County Police? 

So far, there are FOUR MCPS employees who as MANDATORY REPORTERS should have reported instances of suspected sexual abuse of children to Montgomery County Police or Child Protective Services in 2011.  

Broad Acres Elementary Principal

Broad Acres Assistant Principal

MCPS Investigation Specialist

MCPS Associate Superintendent


AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT I, Randall E. Garver, being duly sworn, depose and say: 

1. I am a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and entered on duty in May 2006. I am currently assigned to the Buffalo Field Office and work on cases associated with the Violent Crimes Against Children program, which targets individuals involved in the online sexual exploitation of children...

...One of the report’s addendums was a statement written by one of the students: that stated, “me and [redacted by MCPS] are scard (sic) at this point for the hugging, the hitting her the pulling us so we had to tell someone about this before this gets out of hand.”..

  More excerpts from the Affidavit will follow in separate posts on this blog 


  1. It is an 'Open Secret' that punishing sexual predators in NOT a top priority issue in neither this County nor Maryland.

  2. Case in point: Our Maryland Legislature Sets the Prime Example
    Person in Position of Authority – HB223 – Died in Committee, No Vote!!!
    A bill to help close the remaining loophole in Maryland’s laws regarding persons in authority who sexually exploit children they have authority over. Statutory rape provisions protect younger children, child sexual abuse laws protect children during the time a child is actually in an adult’s care or supervision, certain school employees are always prohibited from having sex with their students, and new laws on sextortion provide the ability to prosecute those using threats of emotional distress to coerce sexual activity. However, the law still has gaps that fail to protect teenagers from sexual exploitation by extra-curricular activity instructors, scout masters, school volunteers, and other adults in authority. This bill closes these remaining gaps, so that all teens are protected. Lead sponsor: Delegate Sara Love.


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