
Thursday, September 16, 2021

Ike Leggett and Joshua Starr on List of Nominees to Accountability Board for Maryland Education Reforms

A nominating committee announced nine nominees to an accountability board tasked with ensuring the success of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future education reforms on Wednesday, but one lawmaker contends that they do not fully represent the state of Maryland...

...Gov. Lawrence J. Hogan Jr. (R) will have until Oct. 1., to appoint seven of the nine candidates, who are also subject to Senate confirmation. The governor, Senate president and House speaker will jointly appoint a chair of the panel...

Each of the nine nominees were unanimously selected, Sauls said. They are: 

  • Mara Doss, the associate vice president for teaching, learning and student success at Prince George’s Community College.
  • Fagan Harris, chief executive officer of Baltimore Corps, a nonprofit that recruits talented professionals and connects them to leadership opportunities.
  • William “Brit” Kirwan, the chair of the Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education, whose policy recommendations make up the foundation of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future.
  • Isiah “Ike” Leggett, former Montgomery County executive and currently a member of the University System of Maryland Board of Regents.
  • Jennifer Lynch, the director of educational partnerships for Baltimore County Executive John A. Olszewski Jr. (D) and previously an elementary school principal in Baltimore City Public Schools for five years.
  • Joseph Manko, the education program officer for the Abell Foundation and previously an elementary school principal in Baltimore City Public Schools for ten years.
  • Harry Preston V, a Baltimore City Public Schools teacher for the last 16 years.
  • Laura Stapleton, the interim dean of the University of Maryland, College Park College of Education and a professor in human development and quantitative methodology.
  • Joshua Starr, the chief executive officer of Phi Delta Kappa International, a nonprofit membership organization for K-12 educators, and previously the superintendent of Montgomery County Schools from 2011 to 2015


  1. With such stellar champions resting on their laurels, heaven help us!

  2. So one teacher. The rest have spent their careers in academia, politics or administration. I'd like to know the last time most of them stepped foot in a K-12 classroom. What do they know about the actual day-to-day of what students and teachers need, but hey, they can be responsible for doling out the funds and ensuring "success".


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