
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Board of Education Continues Approving No Bid Consulting Contracts/Payments without Ever Seeing Contracts or Justification for Expenditures

The Montgomery County Board of Education has been approving the expenditure of tens of thousands of dollars a year to the above company for what?  

The Board of Education doesn't know and never asks.  The Board of Education never sees the contracts or invoices connected to this expenditure.  

Every year the Board of Education simply approves this payment as an "extension" of some previous invoice or contract, or as a procurement based on another school systems purchase.  

10 years ago the Parents' Coalition researched this consulting arrangement and at that time the best we could determine was that this consultant is being paid to fill out forms related to obtaining rebates from the federal government.  In 10 years could MCPS have trained someone how to fill out these forms and saved the consulting fee?$file/Procurement%20Contracts%20REVISED%20211026.pdf

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