
Thursday, October 28, 2021

In 2021, payments to Strathmore Hall Foundation total $249,155 even though MCPS students were not attending concerts at Strathmore Hall. #COVID-19

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, MCPS 5th grade students attended an annual fall concert at Strathmore Hall in North Bethesda. 

However, even thought the concerts were not held when schools were closed, Strathmore Hall was still being paid by the Board of Education.  Why?  

This is another no bid, no contract, no discussion vote of the Board of Education.  These items appear on the Board of Education's Consent calendar without supporting documentation or justification for these expenditures.   

In calendar year 2021, the payments to the Strathmore Hall Foundation total at least $249,155.

Source October 26, 2021 Board of Education meeting:$file/Procurement%20Contracts%20REVISED%20211026.pdf

FY 2022    $123,000*
FY 2021    $126,155*
FY 2020    $128,650
FY 2019    $122,650
FY 2018    $103,350
FY 2017    $  96,000
FY 2016    $  84,000
FY 2015    $  83,000

*Payments shown above in Board of Education meeting documentation. All other payments are from the MCPS Funding Accountability Database

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