
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

2021-2022 MCPS Students are Automatically Registered for AP Exams, Must Cancel by November 15th to Avoid $40 Fee for Not Taking Exam.

MCPS High Schools: 

  • The AP Exam fee is $96 per exam. The AP Exam fee for AP Seminar and AP Research is $144
  • All Students are automatically registered for their AP exam when they join their class with the teachers join code.
  • College Board has a late ordering fee this year. Any exam ordered after November 10th will have a $40 late fee assessment.
  • There is a  Unused/Cancellation exam fee this year and it is $40 per exam. Any exam canceled after November 15th will be assessed a cancelation fee. Students who paid in full will still get a refund minus the $40 cancelation fee. Students who registered for an exam and did not pay in full by November 15th and want to cancel their exam will be assessed a $40 cancelation fee.

  • If your student registered for an exam and fails to sit for the exam, you will be charged $40 per unused exam. 


1 comment:

  1. Parents should know that a "charge" to a student does not create an obligation to make payment. There is no offer, no acceptance, no consideration, no mutuality of obligation and no competency. In other words, there is no contract and no obligation. Any assessment of a "charge" is an attempt to take financial advantage of innocent and unknowing students and parents.

    The administration of any school that attempts to levy such as charge should be ashamed of itself.


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