
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

During Pandemic, Interim Superintendent Monifa McKnight finds Tens of Thousands of Dollars to Hire Former Student Member of BOE Eric Guerci as her Personal Assistant. Position Not Disclosed in Staff Directory.

In September, the Parents' Coalition noted that former student member of the Montgomery County Board of Education Eric Guerci was suddenly participating in Closed Session Board of Education meetings.

Why was a former student member of the Board of Education permitted to attend Closed Sessions of the Board of Education?  

Mr. Guerci's name was not and still is not included in the MCPS online Staff Directory.

On September 14, 2021, we filed a Maryland Public Information Act requesting details on Mr. Guerci's employment.  It took MCPS 77 days to answer our request.

Here is what we have learned from MCPS: 

The hourly rate for Eric Guerci is $28.00. 

He has worked 595 hours and has been paid $16,660 to date. 

In Fiscal Year 2021, Mr. Guerci worked from May 19, 2021 to June 30, 2021. 

In Fiscal Year 2022, he began work on July 1, 2021 and will continue to work until June 30, 2022. 

We also received a memo (shown below) from Interim Superintendent Monifa McKnight to MCPS Executive Staff, Central Office Leaders, Principals and Employee Associations' Leaders that announced Mr. Guerci had been hired.  

Note the memo did not go to the Board of Education.  Nor does the memo note where the money for this position is coming from.  Mr. Guerci's salary means one less aide in a classroom, or one less substitute teacher, or one less school bus driver in exchange for a personal assistant for the Interim Superintendent.   


  1. So he earns more than a teacher who has been there 5 years? What does that say about what the county values. We have a teacher shortage, a bus driver shortage, and a substitute shortage. Ridiculous.

    1. but they certainly have plenty of time, money, and office space for "personal assistants"....

      Exactly what is his job description? Gopher? Bring coffee? Chauffeur her around? What exactly does a "personal assistant" do for $28 an hour? I know support staff who never saw past $25 in 20 years of service. This is absolute garbage.


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