
Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Blair High School Students to Participate in Student Walkout Jan. 21st



  1. From PTSA-posted letter for Northwood High
    Dear Northwood Parents and Guardians:
    As many of you are aware, on Friday, January 21, 2022 student leaders from across Montgomery
    County Public Schools are planning a peaceful walkout in support of student safety and MCPS
    operations amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. We will approach this protest in a manner that
    supports the academic and social emotional needs of our students while maintaining a safe and
    orderly learning environment. Montgomery County Public Schools supports students' right to
    protest, and, thus, my administrative team and I have met with student leaders to hear their plans
    for a peaceful and safe activity

  2. (continued)
    Student Leaders’ Protest Plan:
    • Students choosing to participate will exit class at the beginning of 5th period on Friday,
    January 21.
    • There will be no announcement or acknowledgement of this by the school.
    • Students choosing to participate will be directed to the athletic field.
    • While this is not a Northwood sanctioned activity, members of our security team, admin
    team, deans, and other staff will ensure students are safe and monitor the activity.
    • Students not at the field, leaving campus, etc. will be considered skipping and subject to
    MCPS Code of Conduct infractions.
    • Students will give speeches and interact until 12:50 pm. Student organizers will end the
    event sharply at 12:50 pm.
    • Students are to return to 6
    th period by 1 pm at the latest. Any students out of class past 1
    pm will be considered tardy or skipping per the MCPS Code of Conduct.
    • These expectations are being communicated to students through the student organizers
    and that any actions outside this plan will be considered a violation of the MCPS Code of
    While student organizers will be using a Google Form/QR code for student participants, to
    receive an excused absence from 5th period, parents/guardians must submit a note PRIOR to the
    walk-out activity. Excused absence notes may be sent via email to ....[]


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parentscoalitionmc AT