
Tuesday, January 4, 2022

MCPS COVID-19 Positive Cases Go From 3,686 to 5,600 in One Day

 As of January 1, 2022, Montgomery County Public Schools was reporting 3,686 staff and students testing positive for COVID-19.  One days later, the number of winter break COVID-19 staff and student cases had risen to 5,680.


Eleven Montgomery County schools hit ‘red’ covid levels, move online

More than 5,600 students and staff reported having tested positive over the winter break

With coronavirus cases surging, in-person learning is being suspended at 11 public schools in suburban Montgomery County, and another 89 schools are at risk for similar action, officials said Tuesday.

Montgomery County interim superintendent Monifa McKnight announced that the 11 higher-infection schools would move to virtual learning for 14 calendar days, effective Wednesday. But McKnight pledged that Maryland’s largest school district, with 209 schools, would keep prioritizing in-classroom learning...

...As of 6 a.m. Monday, 5,680 students and staff reported having tested positive over the winter break, including 4,677 during the break’s last five days...

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