
Thursday, February 10, 2022

Parents' Coalition Signs on to Letter to Senator Bill Ferguson #KeepMDSenateVirtual - 131 Signers So Far

February 10, 2022

The Honorable Bill Ferguson           VIA EMAIL

President of the Senate 

State House State House

100 State Circle 

Annapolis, MD 21401 

Dear Senate President Ferguson:

We, 100+ Maryland organizations, have come together united in our call for improved access to the legislative

process in Maryland. We write with urgency to ask that you maintain virtual access to the Senate*

for the full duration of the 2022 legislative session.

As you know, the pandemic required the Maryland General Assembly to adjust protocols and shift to

virtual hearings. This change democratized the previous system that by design only provided access

to those who have the privilege, flexibility, and resources to participate fully in Maryland’s legislative process.

The ability to provide oral testimony online has made participation possible for those who live far from

Annapolis or who do not have access to transportation; hourly workers, who can't afford to take a day off of work;

caregivers, who cannot leave children or other loved ones alone; and those who are homebound for numerous


The people of Maryland deserve an accessible legislative process. A true democracy requires it. While we

appreciate the updated Senate Session Information and Protocols, we urge you to adjust the plan to ensure advocates and members of the public can continue to testify remotely.

Thank you for your attention and swift action on this matter,

* Link inserted in blog post for context.

1 comment:

  1. The self serving narcissists
    Thrive at disrupting our lives
    The thought of listening to us
    Is enough to give them hives.


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