
Friday, July 22, 2022

3M scientists: This Corsi-Rosenthal box movement is legit

 What can you build with duct tape, air filters, and a box fan?

This might sound like the set up for a dad joke, but according to new insights from 3M, the answer is less of a punchline and more a breath of fresh air: Corsi-Rosenthal boxes.

What is a Corsi-Rosenthal box?

The box is a do-it-yourself air filtration device that is an alternative to traditional air purifiers on the market. It was popularized by an indoor air quality researcher and an air filtration expert in the summer of 2020 and designed to help reduce the number of virus-laden aerosol particles in indoor settings.

The design is straightforward. You need one box fan, four high-quality air filters, duct tape and some cut-out cardboard. Most boxes can be constructed in less than 45 minutes with materials costing about $80 to $100.

But does it work?

The short answer is yes.

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