
Wednesday, September 7, 2022

How's the air quality in Quebec schools? Here's what we found

As fall approaches, the Montreal Gazette visited several everyday places to see how CO2 levels compare to those measured in classrooms.

...Teachers submitted readings higher than 4,000 ppm on six occasions, all from different schools. The highest reading, 4,941 ppm, was recorded in a private high school classroom in the Laurentians. The lowest, 406 ppm, was taken in a high school on the South Shore.

Drouin has urged the government to release the raw data behind the C02 measures it tracks, arguing that basing decisions on averages doesn’t make sense.

“If one afternoon, a classroom is at 4,000 ppm, it’s in that moment that you could be at risk of catching COVID,” Drouin said. “Of course, there will be peaks and valleys, but it’s the peaks that are most important. Because that’s when you’re breathing other people’s air.”..

How's the air quality in Quebec schools? Here's what we found | Montreal Gazette

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