
Tuesday, October 4, 2022

3/5 of Montgomery County Planning Board Given Reprimands for Inappropriate Conduct in the Workplace: Casey Anderson, Partap Verma and Carol Rubin. Council "Disappointed."

Montgomery County Council Issues Reprimands for Montgomery County Planning Board Chair Anderson and Two Planning Board Commissioners Partap Verma and Carol Rubin.

ROCKVILLE, Md., Oct. 4, 2022Montgomery County Council President Gabe Albornoz released the following Council statement about issuing reprimands for inappropriate conduct in the workplace for Montgomery County Planning Board Chair Casey Anderson, Vice Chair Partap Verma and Planning Board Commissioner Carol Rubin:

“The Council is extremely disappointed in the violations of Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) policy by Planning Board Chair Casey Anderson, as detailed in an advisory memorandum from M-NCPPC’s inspector general. The memorandum also found violations of Commission policy by Vice Chair Partap Verma and Planning Board Commissioner Carol Rubin.

“Montgomery County Planning Board leadership must model the behavior that we want all employees to display. In order to hold the three commissioners accountable for their actions, the Council has issued reprimands that will result in Chair Anderson losing four weeks of his salary and Vice Chair Verma and Commissioner Rubin each losing one day of their respective salaries. The three commissioners also must attend Employee Assistance Program counseling which is consistent with the Commission’s protocol.”

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Montgomery County Council Issues Reprimands for Montgomery County Planning Board Chair Anderson and Two Planning Board Commissioners (

1 comment:

  1. None of them will miss the money. Casey is made of money so a month's salary means nothing to him. The others each get $30,000 / year, so one day's salary is about $100, again really nothing to them. They all beat the system.


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