
Friday, October 28, 2022

Parents' Coalition Obtains Financial Disclosure Forms for 11 Planning Board Applicants from MD State Ethics Commission

Under Maryland Land Use law, the public was to have 3 weeks to review the list of applicants for the Montgomery County Planning Board. [That didn't happen.]  

Applicants were to file financial disclosure statements with the State Ethics Commission with copies to the chief administrative officer of the county and the county council. [We don't know if all that happened.]

These financial disclosure statements were to be filed 5 days before the applicant was interviewed.  [That didn't happen.]

During that 5 day period, the financial disclosure statements would have been available for the public to review.  

Obviously, in this recent appointment process for Montgomery County Planning Board the 5 day period between filing of the financial disclosure statements and interview did not happen.  At best, the public had one day to view the financial disclosure statements of the applicants.  And that would have only been possible if a county resident traveled to Annapolis to the office of the State Ethics Commission.  

In the interest of transparency and accountability, and with a look at how this process was supposed to be run under Maryland law, the Parents' Coalition has obtained the financial disclosure statements of the 11 applicants, and we are making them public now. The public should have been able to view these documents before the interviews, but nothing in this appointment process has followed the timeline established by Maryland law. With that, we give you the financial disclosure statements of the 11 applicants: 

Individual                                 Year            Date Filed

Raj Barr-Kumar                        2021            10/22/22    (amended 10/26/22)

Cherri Branson                          2021            10/24/22    (original 10/22/22)

Francoise Carrier                       2021            10/23/22

Norman Dreyfuss                     2021             10/22/22    (properties do not have addresses and does not disclose membership on board of Affordable Housing Conference of Montgomery County) 

Barbara Goldberg Goldman      2021            10/23/22    (does not disclose Quora business or board membership on nonprofit Affordable Housing Conference of Montgomery County)

David Hill                                2021            10/22/22

William E. Kirwan III               2021            10/22/22    (Did not list Silver Spring property)

Vincent Napoleon                     2021            10/21/22  

Roberto Pinero                         2021            10/23/22

Amy Presley                             2021            10/21/22

Jeff Zyontz                               2021            10/21/22    

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