
Wednesday, November 2, 2022

UPDATED: Montgomery College Enrollment Continues Dropping as MCPS Enrollment Increases

UPDATED: Montgomery College Enrollment Continues Dropping as MCPS Enrollment Increases: Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland


  1. Meanwhile the trustees, administrators and elected officials are celebrating and praising each other galore!

    1. Congressman Raskin said. "It's a county which runs on brains and hearts, and boundless dreams of the future... " si dixit verum esse.

  2. They are at it again. Now boasting that they have nearly 43,000 students per year!

    1. 43,000 is counting other programs outside of community college courses. Montgomery College has less than 21,000 undergraduate students. Their PR continually counts community classes and anything that uses their spaces when referring to their enrollment. That's why the State enrollment documents linked in this blog post are useful for determining the actual interest in community college courses.

    2. Because nationally-ranked educational opportunities for ALL... is a bad thing? "The World According to Janis and the Coalition" seems to think so. Where I come from, "parents" know a good thing for their kids when they see it. And you, my fine glass-half-empty friends choose to be blinded by your own fruitless mission. Cheers!

    3. Apparently, parents don't think Montgomery College is a good thing as enrollment continues to decline even as MCPS enrollment has dramatically risen. Maybe you should put down the bottle and actually look at the numbers. You can imagine that less and less students enrolling in Montgomery College is a plus, but maybe your goal is to keep as many students as possible out of college courses? Your choice. Not ours.

    4. This information is free to find. They say 43,000 yearly. 17,000 fall and 16,500 spring semesters. plus 5,500 summer 1, 2,000 summer 2, and 2,000 winter. that is 43,000 yearly.

    5. Free to find? Of course, PR is free for all, it's just not factual with regard to how many students are taking college level course. Adults taking craft courses should not be included in college enrollment data, and in fact it isn't. That's why we cite an actual, factual source for undergraduate enrollment at Montgomery College.

    6. They have to report accurately, those are the numbers from credit students only. There is nothing about the number of students who are taking non-credit classes.

    7. Adult education classes aren't non-credit, they are no credit. They aren't college level courses.

    8. And you will not find a report on those numbers. Also, non-credit is any course that does not gain college credit. That Includes that adult education classes.

    9. Take the numbers in the Montgomery College PR and subtract the number of students enrolled in undergraduate courses and you get the number enrolled in adult education classes. The number enrolled in COLLEGE is known.

    10. Did you even graduate high school? The official report says 43,000 yearly. 17,000 fall and 16,500 spring, 5,500 summer 1, 2,000 summer 2, and 2,000 winter. That is 43,000 yearly. You are making data up in your head.

    11. This post is about Montgomery COLLEGE enrollment. It's not about double, triple or quadruple counting one student to come up with a higher number. It is an annual snapshot of how many students are enrolled in Montgomery COLLEGE as per official Maryland data.

      By your math one student can get counted 5 times.

    12. Whereas fruitful missions may ferment into potent potions.

  3. Hmm. IME, more recent grads are taking gap years, enjoying relatively easy-to-find and good-paying part-time jobs — a needed break after the hellscape of finishing high school during a pandemic, when MCPS threw students to the wolves with lax masking policies.

    1. You'd be very wrong about that. The decline in Montgomery College enrollment is a trend that has been going on for over 10 years. The decline is not related to the pandemic.


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