
Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Day #1: New Councilmember Exposes Council's Dirty Little Secret: Votes taken behind closed doors through "polling."

Today was the first day of the new Montgomery County Council session. It was the first day of the new 11 member County Council and the first day for 6 new councilmembers, including Councilmember Kristin Mink

In opening remarks, Councilmember Kristin Mink said,

"I want to speak about something which I think we are all in agreement - and I think it is important to name.  After the election when I became privy to more of the Council's inner workings, I was surprised to learn that there are some processes which pre-date our current Council and current outgoing Council leadership that can in some instances remove some debate and decision-making from the public eye...
...I'm speaking about polls taken in various manners, that could be treated with the same finality as a vote on the dais, without as much public debate or oversight..."


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