
Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Magruder HS January Shooting Lockdown: MoCo State's Attorney John McCarthy "@McCarthyMoCo confused our community by walking across the campus and entering the building. Lockdown is lockdown. Curious elected officials should have been locked out."

 Cynthia Simonson Profile picture

52m  7 tweets  4 min read
FINALLY — @MCPS met with the community to discuss what occurred @MagruderHS on January 21. Honestly, I can’t imagine the school staff handling it better, but finally, the details emerged!! My favorite parts… 1/ 
@mentionsapologized. In my 10 years as an advocate, tonight marks the second time I’ve heard leaders admit publicly mistakes were made. That was important. 2/ 
No one expects a crisis to go perfectly. But when @MCPS glosses over the missteps, it doesn’t honor the experience. I appreciated @MCPS acknowledging there were folks that shouldn’t have been allowed to access the building. WE WERE IN LOCKDOWN!!! 3/ 
They didn’t name names, but @McCarthyMoCo confused our community by walking across the campus and entering the building. Lockdown is lockdown. Curious elected officials should have been locked out. (Sorry) 4/ 
And, @MCPS made clear they learned their lesson — reunification THEN press conference. That was NONSENSE holding our kids while McKnight and @mcpnews 5/ 
I doubt we will see another community required to wait 10 months before @MCPS meets with them. So that’s good. That’s what advocates want — to see progress!! If @MCPSSafety issues a new After Action without community input, we’ll return to @mocoboe6/ 
And, when @MCPS requires the Chief to apologize to the advocates in the same public forum she used to discredit us, then we’ll really know the integrity has returned to @mocoboe7/7 


  1. The bold white knight
    In the broad daylight
    Wasted very little time
    To show up and chime.

  2. A well choreographed election year cameo appearance and publicity stunt.
    "Curious elected officials should have been locked out."

    1. The peripatetic perennial prosecutor paraded proudly past the passageway.

  3. Cafeteria justice system:
    “I know that we can do better as a community, working together, reporting crimes, reporting gunshots, so that we can respond more promptly to some of these situations,” the State’s Attorney said.

  4. Paraphrasing Einstein:
    "The definition of insanity is electing the same one over and over and expecting different results."

  5. Was it a remake of Walking Tall?

    What are the Prosecutor's three Ps_?
    1. Prosecute criminals.
    2. Prevent crime.
    3. Protect and support victims of crime.


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