
Friday, March 24, 2023

Exclusive: Financial Disclosure Forms for James Hedrick: What those Forms Did Not Disclose. #MontgomeryCountyPlanningBoard

Below is the Financial Disclosure Statement filed for Montgomery County Planning Board applicant James Hedrick. 

Mr. Hedrick has been appointed by the Montgomery County Council to take a seat on the Montgomery County Planning Board.  Under Section 15-103 of the Land Use Article of the Md. Code Ann., the Montgomery County Executive must approve or disapprove the Planning Board appointments within 30 days. If no communication is received, the appointments are approved.

Mr. Hedrick's Financial Disclosure Form fails to disclose that he serves as chair of Rockville Housing Enterprises (a public housing agency).

The form also fails to disclose Mr. Hedrick's service on the board of a nonprofit Action Committee for Transit.

Anything else omitted from Mr. Hedrick's Financial Disclosure Forms?  

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