
Thursday, March 23, 2023

Whitman High School Letter: "serious incident involving antisemitic graffiti that was reported today"

March 23, 2023

Dear Walt Whitman High School Community Members.

I am writing to make you aware of a serious incident at our school today, Thursday, March 23 and how it was addressed.

Two students found a swastika carved into the surface of a wooden stool in a science lab. This is a hateful symbol of antisemitism and is prohibited under MCPS Policy ACA Nondiscrimination, Equity, and Cultural Proficiency. Per established protocols, we immediately notified the Montgomery County Police, the Office of School Support and Well-Being, and have filed the appropriate reporting forms for this matter. As always, this type of behavior is deeply troubling and it requires that we immediately begin an investigation. If we are able to identify any student who may be responsible, that individual will face consequences in accordance with the MCPS Student Code of Conduct.  

Yet again, I have to write and let our community know about another instance of behavior that is antisemitic. We have done so much as a school community to call out this type of activity and to educate our students while still addressing and healing from past incidents of antisemitism. Subsequently, having to write another letter is very distressing for me and profoundly upsetting for our Jewish community. While it feels like a gut punch to find another example of antisemitic hate, we remain undeterred and will forge ahead with our efforts. Unfortunately, the increase in incidents we’ve experienced at Whitman are on par with a disturbing trend in Maryland. An audit released today by ADL shows a 98% increase in antisemitic incidents in Maryland in 2022. 

We are committed to ensuring that all students, including Jewish students, are safe, valued, and can thrive in our school. This week, our PTSA hosted a session called Creating a Community of Care for parents in the Whitman cluster. As such, we will continue to intensify our efforts to use education and our partnerships with community organizations to engage our students, staff, and parents in conversations about respecting and celebrating our diverse community. On April 12, we will be holding student town hall meetings by grade level to review the MCPS Student Code of Conduct and share the school system’s new protocols for addressing specific incidents of hate/bias and discrimination. Furthermore in May, we will be partnering with the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) to provide students with the opportunity to hear from children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors. Finally, in August, we are again partnering with JCRC and ADL to provide our staff with a comprehensive training on the experience of Jewish students in schools and antisemitism and its manifestation in schools.     

We encourage families to have conversations with their students about respecting and showing acceptance to all people and demonstrating understanding of our differences. I also can’t emphasize enough that parents must talk to their children about the serious school consequences associated with engaging in hateful or discriminatory behavior. Please see these resources for how to talk to your children about antisemitism:

  • 5 Tips for Talking with Children About Antisemitism - JSSA 

  • Parents’ and Caregivers’ Guide to Countering Antisemitism - Nickelodeon and USC Shoah Foundation

Thank you to the students who reported this incident. If you have any information in regard to it, please contact the main office at 240-740-4800.  


Robert W. Dodd, EdD


Walt Whitman High School

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