
Sunday, April 30, 2023

EXCLUSIVE: @pcmc1 Makes Public Resumes for All Planning Board Candidates including Harris, Fosselman & Riemer after DELETION by @mococouncil

This Agenda packet was released on Friday, April 28, 2023, and then DELETED from the Montgomery County Council website. The document was not replaced with an update, it was just deleted so that the public could not read the packet in advance of the May 2nd Council meeting to interview 3 candidates for Montgomery County Planning Board Chair and candidates for Planning Board Commissioner seats.

We obtained a PDF of the Agenda packet and have made it available to the public.  The public has a right to be a part of the public appointment process. 

20230502_1-8 CVs Montgomery County Council candidates for Planning Board by Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland on Scribd

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