
Monday, June 26, 2023

@mocoboe Board of Education Announces They Will Violate Maryland Open Meetings Act on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 By Restricting Meeting to "Invited Attendees."


Today the Montgomery County Board of Education put out a Tweet through the @mcps Twitter account that said that attendance at their Tuesday, June 27, 2023, meeting will be restricted to "scheduled speakers and invited attendees."

Do you wonder if that restriction on the public's ability to attend this open meeting of a public body might violate the Maryland Open Meetings Act?  

Here's the Maryland Open Meetings Compliance Board Opinion that explains why restricting attendance at a meeting of a public body by the reservation of seats for those selected is a violation of the Maryland Open Meetings Act.  

7omcb049.pdf (

...we find that the exclusion of members of the public on May 21 based on the reservation of seats for those individuals selected by the County violated the Act...

...“However, the newspaper’s concern is that the meeting was conducted purposefully to limit public participation.” The location limited the number of people who could attend and a few members of the public who were not invited were turned away. The newspaper’s concern is that allowing attendance by invitation only, “it suggests a deliberate effort to stifle the dialogue and public participation in the government process.”

Ms. Brewer also focused on the May 21 session. She attempted to attend the meeting held at the College of Southern Maryland, but was blocked at the door and was told that the meeting was by invitation only. She was told that unless her name was on the list, she could not attend due to limited seating capacity. She was also told that the meeting would be taped and broadcasted on the local cable channel. The complaint pointed out that the county government building has an auditorium which is used for Commissioner meetings and public hearings. Ms. Brewer estimated the auditorium seats close to 200 people. In the complainant’s view, “this meeting was, intentionally, held at a smaller venue to limit attendance and offer exclusivity of attendees.”..


  1. I could see maybe 1 book out of the 10 or so the high schoolers read per year, but more than that is unnecessary and takes away from the books about Canadians, Eskimos, Latinx, Native Americans, handicapped, blind, foot fetishers, vegans, Australian Aborigines, Asians, Jews, Hawaiians, and people who talk with their mouth full.

    1. I believe that you forgot to list the garden varieties of the other underrepresented continents.


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