
Thursday, June 15, 2023

Montgomery County Public Schools developing plan to address above average truancy rates

As the academic year comes to a close for students in Montgomery County Public Schools, new numbers showing just how many students are skipping class have district leaders concerned. 

A meeting to address the problem has been pushed back to next month as officials try to address an epidemic of cutting schools...

...District-wide, Montgomery County Public Schools are seeing a 26.2% chronic absenteeism rate across the district and the problem reaches across the economic landscape. For example, Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School has a 28.6% absenteeism rate, which is higher than average, while Kennedy High School in Wheaton is at 54.7%...

Montgomery County Public Schools developing plan to address above average truancy rates (


  1. All they need is more money:

  2. The cycle repeats itself. The district removed rules regarding attendance and then wonder why students skip class. Now they are starting the cycle all over again; trying to fix a problem they caused themselves. Since each superintendent hires her own staff, institutional memory is lost, and the cycles repeat, repeat, repeat...


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