
Thursday, June 1, 2023

Structural Antisemitism at MCPS schools Part 2

Two students gave public testimony at the May 10, 2023 Board of Education meeting on the antisemitism in our MCPS schools. The second speaker was Anya Kleinman, who is a freshman at Richard Montgomery High School. Her testimony in full is below, both on video and in print.

She spoke movingly about the antisemitism in MCPS schools districtwide. She spoke about "Swastikas etched onto school desks and bathroom stalls, hate speech in classrooms, and graffiti on school walls." She stated that "This is creating an unsafe and non-inclusive learning environment for the Jewish students of Montgomery County."

One of her main points is that there is "an astounding lack of Holocaust education."

She pointed out that according to the Montgomery County Police Department there has been "a disturbing 55% surge in anti-Jewish incidents between 2021 and 2022." 

Anya Kleinman - BOE Testimony by freestategal

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