
Friday, August 11, 2023

Many MCPS teachers said a principal sexually harassed them. The Board of Education promoted him. @mcps @mocoboe Washington Post Interviewed 45 MCPS Staff Members.

Educators and others reported Joel Beidleman to Montgomery County Public Schools 18 times in seven years. It made no difference.

...In the living room, Beidleman told her: “You should just f--- me. Everybody thinks you should,” according to the complaint and two of those present. He turned to his co-workers and asked them: “Don’t you think she should just f--- me?” The teacher, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because she fears retaliation from Beidleman and MCPS, quickly left...

...These and other accounts detail a pattern of harassment, threats, retaliations, workplace bullying and other inappropriate conduct spanning at least 12 years across three campuses...

...Until last week, MCPS treated Beidleman as a rising star. Despite six staff members’ reports to MCPS about his conduct in 2023, officials promoted him in June to run Paint Branch High School...

...MCPS, which conducted Beidleman’s regular five-year performance review this year, did not answer any further questions about details in this story, including those asking how it tracks reports about misconduct, who is responsible for collecting them and whether the superintendent is ever informed...

...MCPS’s announcement of Beidleman’s new role was especially surprising to the social studies teacher, whose February sexual harassment, workplace bullying and retaliation complaint alleges Beidleman monitored the camera outside her classroom and grilled her when a male colleague visited...


  1. "Education plays an enormous role in making us a safer community."

  2. Meanwhile, the identity of the Mystery Montgomery College Professor of Interactive Human Anatomy eludes the authorities. . .

    1. The Title IX is quite unique
      Neither the alleged victim
      Nor the alleged perpetrator
      Will anyone reveal or speak.

  3. Why was the principal of Wheaton High School recently removed?

    1. He went missing last year too. What's up?

    2. You mean: What's going down?

    3. Yes. Where is he? Is he on leave? This will be the second or third time he has disappeared. I hope he’s ok. Will he return? Will a new principal be named or will there be interviews? What the heck is happening?

    4. Was put on leave due to behaviors. My guess is they’ll transfer him somewhere else. Typical mcps move.

    5. Yep. You were right. He was transferred. 😡

  4. I am sick of teachers and administrators getting away with despicable behavior and protected by MCPS!

    1. They are also protected by our blind judicial system.

  5. The extensively-documented and multi-sourced accusations in the Post’s article have seriously eroded my trust in MCPS to protect students, teachers, and staff, and to properly use my tax dollars.
    It is now incumbent upon the State BOE to appoint an outside investigator, which must, among other things, investigate:
    1) all allegations of Dr. Biedelman’s wrongdoing; and
    2) improper actions/inactions by other current and/or former MCPS personnel to whom Dr. Biedleman’s wrongdoings were reported or otherwise became known or suspected (including Minus and McKnight);
    and it is also incumbent upon the US Justice Department to investigate whether:
    3)Bedleman and any other MCPS educators have been making student classroom placements on the basis of race and racial balance rather than on the basis of the students’ academic performance and capabilities. The Post article reports that “in February 2022, Farquhar math teachers concluded that some students needed grade-level classes, thanks to pandemic setbacks, rather than the advanced classes Beidleman required for every seventh-and eighth-grader.” But that Biedleman told the Post Beidleman that he didn’t want an “on-level class overrepresented by students of color.” When students returned after the pandemic, did Beidelman and other MCPS educators deprive students of color of needed on-level or other remedial education and force them to struggle in classes that were too advanced -- perhaps because there was a concern about the optics of there being too many students of color in the classes that the students of color needed?

  6. These reports against him include allegations that he:
    • Consistently made crude, sexual remarks about female staff in the workplace
    • Directly harassed and bullied current and former staff members
    • Made inappropriate and sexual remarks to female children under his oversight
    • Encouraged a culture of heavy drinking among staff after school hours

    1. How disturbing are the 'lip service' specialists' responses.

    2. Which begs the question:
      What are the required KSAs for an MCPS Principal?

    3. In response, the education and culture committee members were “deeply disturbed” and “deeply troubled”.

  7. I predict that the district/BOE "investigation" will be a cover-up. Bring in outsiders!

    1. Not to worry, The Education & Culture (EC) Committee is on it!


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