
Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Only 2 Montgomery council members ask county, state to handle MCPS inquest


Two members said that government inspectors general, not a law firm the school district hired, should investigate its handling of allegations against Principal Joel Beidleman

Two Montgomery County Council members requested Monday that state and county watchdogs investigate the county school system’s handling of reported allegations of sexual harassment, bullying and retaliation by former Farquhar Middle School principal Joel Beidleman...


  1. This topic has now morphed into a daily soap opera melodrama.
    It is time for the Feds to step in and sort things out once and for all.

  2. Eric Minus knows how to cover up and run damage control for predatory educators in MCPS. Maybe that’s why he got out. I was at Sherwood when a long time teacher used Snapchat to troll female students for sex and someone eventually reported him to Child Protective Services. Minus was the principal and kept us all in the dark hoping it would go away. Never gave any details to the community, no letter, nothing and the teacher just disappeared when COVID came along, but there were countless stories circulating about him and admin ignored other cases that were mentioned citing another “MCPS internal investigation.” The kids knew more than we did because there were rumors about the guy everywhere. Poor kids were scared to come forward and it seemed like no one cared about launching a wider investigation at Sherwood not to mention the other high schools the creep taught at. A colleague said the guy is now working as a fed and making more than he did with MCPS! How in the world did he land another job at all if he was abusing his position for grooming kids? All these predators move up and eventually out thanks to higher ups who protect them or at least the image of the school system over student and staff safety. Minus is a problem. McKnight is a problem for approving these appointments without vetting them thoroughly and MCPS has a major problem.

    1. Please e-mail us at

    2. Social studies teacher?

    3. Could of been. Was alternative teacher when he was caught.

  3. I wonder if there is a correlation between these two issues:

  4. The 'repeated failure' will be analyzed with a two-phased approach:

  5. The Decision Makers:

    "The County Council does not have direct oversight over the school board—another elected body—but does review and approve the school system’s budget and provides funding via county property taxes."


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