
Sunday, October 8, 2023

MCPS Teachers will watch this video in their professional development session on Oct. 9th

 Dr. Carla Shalaby Lessons in Disruption: Learning Freedom from Our Troublemakers


  1. How much was Dr. Shalaby paid to produce this elementary-level presentation?

  2. Fifteen years ago or so, MCPS called upon teachers in the system to make presentations. It was great! Now they pay the big bucks to outside experts for their "wisdom."

  3. As a teacher, I find it depressing that we have to sit through 3 hours of this stuff, because the assumption is that we just don't understand appropriate classroom management, when people protecting a sexual predator are being paid 2 to 5 times the amount of money that a teacher makes, and they disregard the law and common decency.

  4. Here was the entire learning outcomes for today's "professional development."

    *Build community that recognizes the impact of race, ethnicity, and culture.
    *Deepen our knowledge of the levels of racism and the characteristics of White Supremacy Culture.
    *Hear an overview of the Equitable Teaching and Learning Framework with a focus on Core Component #2 – School and Classroom Environment.
    *Reflect on the lessons that “troublemakers” teach us about our school and classroom environments.


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