
Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Police Chief on 12-Year-Old: It is disheartening to accept that the individual responsible for disrupting the educational process and instilling fear in our community was well aware of the legal limitations surrounding their age. They understood that they could not be charged under current Maryland statutes.


Statement From Chief Marcus Jones Regarding Person Identified in School Bomb Threats

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The person responsible for multiple bomb threats targeting Montgomery Blair High School and Oak View Elementary School has been identified.

On October 13,16, 17, 23 and 24Montgomery County Public Schools received threats sent via email to Montgomery Blair High School. Similarly, on October 15, Oak View Elementary School and Silver Spring International School were also targeted with a separate email threat. This reckless and dangerous behavior posed a direct threat to the safety and well-being of our schools and students.

Detectives from the 3rd District Investigative Section, with the assistance of Montgomery County Public Schools IT staff, identified a 12-year-old as the individual responsible for all seven bomb threats. Detectives spoke with the individual, who admitted responsibility, however, in the state of Maryland, children under the age of 13 can only be charged with offenses that constitute a "crime of violence."


It is disheartening to accept that the individual responsible for disrupting the educational process and instilling fear in our community was well aware of the legal limitations surrounding their age. They understood that they could not be charged under current Maryland statutes.


In addition to the fear and chaos these threats caused, it is important to acknowledge the significant financial and operational burden each incident placed on our department. Dispatching officers and K-9 units to investigate these threats, especially when our resources are already stretched thin, diverted our personnel away from other pressing calls for service. This diversion of resources is unacceptable, and it jeopardizes the safety of our community.

I commend the hard work and dedication of the 3rd District detectives and Montgomery County Public Schools staff in their efforts to identify and locate the young person responsible for these crimes.


The safety of our community remains our foremost priority, and we remain steadfast in our commitment to protect and serve our residents.

# # #

Release ID: 23-618
Media Contact: S.D. Goff  
Categories: public-statement

Montgomery County Maryland (

1 comment:

  1. The statute lame legal limitations
    Do not cease to agitate and amaze
    Sending schools and police stations
    In a frustrating futile wild-goose chase


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