
Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Board of Education President Clueless about who Owns Electric School Buses. Hint, it's NOT the Board of Education.

Why is the Montgomery County Board of Education President clueless about who owns the electric school buses in use by MCPS today?

Board of Education President Karla Silvestre gives an incorrect statement in the article below implying that the Board of Education has purchased electric school buses. 

In fact, the Board of Education does not own a single electric school bus.  

Board of Education President Karla Silvestre was on the Board of Education when the Transportation Equipment Services Agreement was signed on behalf of the Board of Education.  That agreement was for the use of electric school buses, not the purchase of electric school buses.

Why doesn't she know the terms of that Agreement?  


Five takeaways from the breakfast club meeting with MCPS board president

Karla Silvestre answered community questions on bus electrification, Beidelman investigation and more...What is the current policy of the board regarding electrification of the school bus fleet? Any discussion on the board regarding electrification of present or future buildings?

I don’t know about buildings, but I know the school bus fleet is something that we were very proud to begin to purchase electric school buses. I think we have about 130 electric school buses currently. What’s kind of a hot button item right now is that we’ve had to purchase additional diesel buses because we’re not getting the electric buses in a timely manner. And we’re afraid that if they continue to delay the delivery of the electric buses, we’re going to be stuck with not having enough buses to pick up kids...

Five takeaways from breakfast club with MCPS board president | MoCo360

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