
Wednesday, November 15, 2023

McKnight Hires Former BOE President Who: Violated Open Meetings Act Multiple Times, Committed MCPS to $88M++ in Leases, Signed Off on Lawsuits Against SPED Families, Did Not Sign Contracts as Required, Regularly Dined on MCPS $$$, "Sold" a High School Field, Said Parents WANT Cell Towers, Gave Away an Entire High School, and Closed Special Ed Programs.

Should we go on?   

Superintendent Monifa McKnight is making very clear statements in her hiring of Nancy Navarro.  

First, McKnight is stating that teachers and school staff are not valued.  Obviously, McKnight has money to burn if she can use education dollars to hire a personal assistant. Isn't that what the position is?  Someone to do McKnight's job for her? No need to hire more teachers or school staff. Those are not priorities.  

Second, the hiring of Navarro is a very clear statement of where McKnight wants to steer MCPS. McKnight has hired Navarro without Board of Education approval, and she is bringing in someone who doesn't believe in the Maryland Open Meetings Act or public procurement policies among other things.  

Below are some of the citations to past actions of Nancy Navarro as a member and President of the Montgomery County Board of Education.

This is how McKnight wants to run MCPS? 

Not allowing a student to enroll in MCPS: 

Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland: Navarro Board to U.S. citizen & county resident: No school for you. (

Open Meetings Act violations: 

Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland: Navarro Board of Ed. Breaks Open Meetings Law (

Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland: Past Open Meetings Act Violations of Board of Education (

Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland: Board Violates Act, Again (

Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland: Exclusive: Board Retreat Minutes (

Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland: Will This Board Retreat Comply with Law? (

Failure to follow Maryland procurement law and Board of Education procurement policies: 

Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland: Four words not heard at Board table (

Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland: Pres. Navarro didn't sign lease (

Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland: Navarro Board: $88 million in lease commitments (

Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland: Navarro Board buys cameras, but how many? (

Closing Special Education programs and suing Special Education families: 

Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland: 988 people were right! (

Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland: Who was in Charge? Nancy Navarro and Patricia O'Neill (

Commercial use of public school land and giving away public schools for free: 

Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland: 2008: Nancy Navarro to City of Rockville: MCPS Parents Want Cell Towers on Public School Playgrounds (

Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland: Navarro's Field of Dreams (

Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland: Indigestion for Nancy Navarro's Edible Field (

Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland: Current Councilmembers Who Gave Away an Entire MCPS High School for Free: Floreen, Leventhal, Berliner, Navarro, Elrich #educationfirst #MaybeNot (

Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland: Navarro - No Show (

Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland: The Selling of Public School Land (

Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland: The NIMBY Tale of Vanishing Valerie and No Show Nancy (

Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland: For Sale: Your Local School (

Dining out on the MCPS Operating Budget: 

Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland: M&M's, Harvard, New York City, Gallup, Hans Riemer, Nancy Navarro... @mcpssuper #expenses (


  1. More cronyism. MCPS is rife with it. Over the years so many senior administrators have retired and then come back as consultants. It's sickening.

    1. There ought to be a law. . .

    2. Even if there were a law, it would not be enforced.

  2. When is enough for the BOE to clean house? Or are they complicit in the choice of a shadow Superintendent?


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