
Tuesday, January 30, 2024


Delaware K-12 school promises changes in response to federal probe of antisemitic bullying

The agreement followed a U.S. Department of Education investigation into how Red Clay Consolidated School handled a complaint from last June

From The Forward, by reporter Andrew Lapin. Full article here.

A Delaware public school district will send staff to anti-harassment training and compensate the family of a Jewish student who alleged antisemitic bullying.

The agreement followed a U.S. Department of Education investigation into how Red Clay Consolidated School District handled allegations of antisemitic incidents, detailed in a complaint to the agency last June. 

The agreement marks the first time in nine months that the education department announced the closure of an antisemitism-related investigation filed under Title VI, the clause of the Civil Rights Act that prohibits discrimination on the basis of “shared ancestry” or “national origin.”

It comes as the department embarks on a wave of antisemitism investigations at schools and colleges in the wake of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel, which has triggered widespread allegations of antisemitism on campuses. What happened in Red Clay, the department said, should be seen as a model for its work.

“This important agreement requires the Red Clay Consolidated District to fulfill its federal civil rights obligation to ensure that all of its students, including Jewish students, can learn safely and without discriminatory harassment in its schools,” Catherine Lhamon, assistant secretary for civil rights in the department, said in a statement announcing the resolution. “We look forward to active work with this district going forward to protect Jewish students, and all students, from targeted discrimination that impedes their equal access to education.”

The department said that a student in the district, which includes parts of Wilmington and its suburbs, was targeted by her classmates for being Jewish. Classmates had written “Blood of the Jews” and drawn swastikas on paper airplanes, and raised their arms in Heil Hitler salutes at the student. 

Montgomery Co. parents criticize delay in notifying community about fight that hospitalized student

Some Montgomery County, Maryland, parents are upset that their child’s middle school waited two days to tell them about a fight that sent a student to the hospital.

The fight between two girls happened at Lakelands Park Middle School in Gaithersburg last Wednesday during dismissal; and according to the school’s principal, it was broken up by adults who were nearby...

MCPS investigator who alleged retaliation is restored to former position

Khalid Walker said he had been told to reverse finding on Beidleman sex harassment allegations

...Walker told MoCo360 that he would return to his former job on Monday. “I am looking forward to returning to DCI,” he said. “The recent OIG report highlighted many issues that some of us in the office had voiced concerns about for a long time. I am very much looking forward to participating in making all of the recommended changes.”..

Friday, January 26, 2024

Updated: Police not called - @mcps 12-year-old suffers traumatic head injuries, loses consciousness 4 times, during school altercation: officials

A 12-year-old girl at Lakelands Park Middle School was violently assaulted and suffered serious injuries during a physical altercation.

Officials say she suffered traumatic injuries to her head, causing her to lose consciousness on four occasions, and seizure activity. The student was transported to Fairfax Inova Pediatrics Trauma Unit for emergency medical care...

"The county council shall have power to issue subpoenas for witnesses, and the president thereof shall have power to administer the oath to any witness who may be examined before the council, such oath to have all the qualities of an oath taken before any other judicial tribunal or officers, and violations thereof to be punishable as other perjuries are punishable."

The Montgomery County Council claims that they will be holding an "oversight hearing" on February 8, 2024, to review the Montgomery County Inspector General's report on MCPS.

Oversight? Really or just more theater?  

The Montgomery County Council could hold a real oversight hearing by issuing subpoenas to witnesses and administering oaths to witnesses that appear at the hearing.  

But will they? 


Montgomery County Code

Sec. 2-20. Power to subpoena witnesses and administer oaths.

   (a)   The county council shall have power to issue subpoenas for witnesses, and the president thereof shall have power to administer the oath to any witness who may be examined before the council, such oath to have all the qualities of an oath taken before any other judicial tribunal or officers, and violations thereof to be punishable as other perjuries are punishable.

   (b)   All council subpoenas shall be executed by the council president or a duly authorized designee and may be served by the sheriff of the county or any person who could lawfully serve a subpoena in a civil case.

   (c)   Failure to comply with a subpoena duly issued under this section shall be a misdemeanor and any person, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or sentenced to not more than six (6) months in jail, or both; in addition thereto, the county may institute injunctions, mandamus or any other appropriate actions or proceeding of law or in equity to require compliance with a subpoena duly issued under this section.

 (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 2-22; 1910, ch. 484, § 177T; 1912, ch. 790, § 474; 1978 L.M.C., ch. 20, § 1.)

Thursday, January 25, 2024

MoCo Schools Superintendent In Battle For Job With School Board


MCPS Superintendent Monifa McKnight said she will defend her reputation and "decades-long commitment to the students and families of MCPS."

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD — Montgomery County Public Schools Superintendent Monifa McKnight said Monday she has been asked to step down by members of the Montgomery County Board of Education.

McKnight said officers from the Board of Education indicated last week their desire for her to step away from her role as superintendent. She said the school board has provided “no justification for their request.”..

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

MCCPTA DEI Town Hall Tonight, Jan 24th, 7-9pm

 Town Hall Zoom Meeting on Anti-Bias Reporting and Restoration, Sponsored by MCCPTA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee - Jan. 24, 7:00-9:00 p.m.: 

MCCPTA is holding a town hall on anti-bias reporting and restoration. If you are wondering about DEI and how the program is implemented at your MCPS school, and how it may affect your child, you might be interested in attending this Zoom meeting. The meeting will also discuss the MCPS reporting process.

The Town Hall will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 24 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Register here

Now: Next Montgomery County Inspector General Report on MCPS Released. Repeat Issues Noted.

OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL Megan Davey Limarzi, Esq. Inspector General NEWS RELEASE ______________________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release January 24, 2024 OIG Finds Deficiencies in MCPS Complaint Handling Processes Rockville, Maryland – Montgomery County Maryland Inspector General Megan Davey Limarzi announced today the release of a new Office of the Inspector General (OIG) report, MCPS Complaint Processing, detailing the results of an OIG review of the Montgomery County Public Schools’ (MCPS) complaint handling and investigation processes as they relate to allegations of misconduct by employees. This review is the second of two MCPS related engagements announced by the Inspector General on September 20, 2023. Through this review the OIG sought to determine whether MCPS has effective procedures for the receipt, assignment, investigation, referral, resolution, documentation, and retention of allegations of misconduct by its employees. The OIG also evaluated whether DCI, as MCPS’s primary department for investigating allegations of employee misconduct, follows reasonable steps in conducting its investigations. The review found numerous issues and resulted in 5 findings and 5 recommendations aimed at strengthening MCPS’ handling of employee misconduct related complaints and investigations. Of particular note, many of the same deficiencies were previously identified by other entities and reported to MCPS, but they failed to implement appropriate corrective actions. The report can be found at the following location,

Please direct all inquiries to: Email: Phone: 240-777-8240

Montgomery County Public Schools community reflects on calls for superintendent to resign

ROCKVILLE, Md. (DC News Now) — New calls to oust Montgomery County Public Schools Superintendent Monifa McKnight are being met with pushback after Tuesday’s Board of Education meeting in Rockville.

MCPS confirmed the Board’s calls for McKnight’s resignation Monday night, and McKnight said in a statement she would fight their push for her to step away from the role...

McKnight ‘Declaring Open War With The Board,’ Says Teachers Union

After Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Superintendent Dr. Monifa McKnight said she was given no justification for the school board challenging her position, the teachers union called out “serious problems with her leadership.”

McKnight released a statement Monday, saying school board officers want her to “step away” from her role, and she said she was given “no justification for their request.” She stated, “I will defend my reputation.”..

Montgomery County Schools superintendent says board wants her to resign

...In September, the Office of the Montgomery County Inspector General (OIG) announced that it would open two investigations related to allegations against Farquhar Middle School Principal Dr. Joel Beidleman and Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) handling of misconduct complaints. Officials claimed he was unanimously promoted during a June meeting to become the principal at an area high school – all while being under investigation for sexual harassment.

You can read more about that investigation here.

"It's basically the Real Housewives of Rockville at the moment. It's a big soap opera," said Janis Zink Sartucci, a member of the Parents Coalition.

She told WUSA9 that this is "a huge distraction," and said "whatever is going on and whoever was involved, the school board should just handle it."..

'I will defend my reputation:' MCPS superintendent fights back after being asked to 'step away' from role

The Board of Education is calling on the superintended to step down. The sudden move is now causing people to ask what Dr. Monifa McKnight knew about the harassment scandal involving former middle school principal Dr. Joel Biedleman and how she may have been involved. FOX 5's Sierra Fox has the story.

Monday, January 22, 2024

January 22, 2024: Open Meetings Act Objection Filed

The following objection was filed today, January 22, 2024, with the Maryland Open Meetings Act Compliance Board. 


Under Maryland Open Meetings Act § 3-305(d)(3), I am filing an objection to the Montgomery County Board of Education's Closed meeting today for failure to comply with the Maryland Open Meetings Act Closed Session requirements.  

Today's Montgomery County Board of Education Closed Session was held without an Open Meeting to vote on whether the Board of Education would go into a Closed Session, and without notice to the public that a meeting would occur today. The Closed Session meeting was not listed on the Board of Education's public calendar (see attached). 
The public learned that there was a Board of Education closed session through media reports after the meeting was held.  
Janis Zink Sartucci
Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, MD
Formed in 2002, the Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland seeks to achieve the goals of coherent, content-rich curriculum standards; high expectations combined with timely remediation and acceleration; a wider range of educational options for parents and children; greater transparency and accountability; and meaningful community input.

MCPS superintendent says school board wants her to resign

Montgomery County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Monifa McKnight said in a statement Monday evening that the board of education would like her to resign – a claim that prompted a response from the teachers union and the board itself. 

According to McKnight, board of education officers indicated last week that they had a desire for her to step down in her role as the superintendent. She said they provided no justification...

MCPS Updates Plans to Better Handle Personnel Investigations, Promotions

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Superintendent Dr. Monifa McKnight submitted an Action Plan Update that was released Monday to ensure that personnel with abuse or sexual harassment complaints filed against them are not promoted until properly vetted.

The update follows a request by the Board of Education for a corrective action plan after Dr. Joel Beidleman, who currently is on administrative leave, was promoted from Farquhar Middle School principal to Paint Branch High School principal despite numerous complaints levied against him...

@MCPS Superintendent Monifa McKnight fights ouster @mocoboe

She says ‘no justification’ for request from school board, vows to ‘defend my reputation’

Montgomery County Public Schools Superintendent Monifa McKnight is fighting a move from the Board of Education, she announced Monday afternoon.

“Officers from the Board of Education indicated last week their desire for me to step away from my role as superintendent, providing me with no justification for their request. The Board has never written, documented, or communicated any concern about my performance, and through the evaluation process has consistently affirmed that I have met expectations...

In Case You Missed It: After months of stonewalling, MCPS finally provides retroactive contract for Jackson Lewis services on Beidleman Investigation. Spoiler: No Contract When MCPS Announced Investigation.


With a huge amount of help from the Public Access Ombudsman at the Maryland Attorney General's office, the Parents' Coalition has finally obtained a copy of the contract between the Montgomery County Board of Education and the Jackson Lewis law firm.

The contract, which was never approved by the Board of Education as required by law, is dated August 24, 2023 but covers the period July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.  To be clear: The Jackson Lewis law firm began their work long before the contract was signed.  We're not sure that matters much, though, since the contract has never been approved by the Board of Education — unless they approved it in secret, which would be a violation of the Open Meetings Act.

Since the contract was never approved by the Board of Education, there is literally no executed contract between the Board of Education and Jackson Lewis.  The Board of Education isn't obligated or even authorized to pay Jackson Lewis for their services...

Full story at:

Sunday, January 21, 2024

EXCLUSIVE: MCPS Survey Results from Teachers, Staff and Parents on Innovative School Year Calendar Pilot at Roscoe Nix and Arcola Elem. Schools

Follow the advocacy on the Innovative School Year calendar at Roscoe Nix ES and Arcola ES at this link

Staff comments: 

Ditch the ISY Calendar and make us traditional with an ELO Sail program WE ARE TIRED!!!!!!! 

The curriculum is never ready for us and they are not getting any additional material just starting early. MCPS has to release the data showing how the extended calendar does not benefit their academic goals. No data shows that they are ahead and have fewer gaps than students who are part of a traditional calendar. It keeps on coming up that the teacher turnover is not bad at all but it is and this year will be when you see it the most. Teachers' voices need to be heard as well. We are the ones who have to get ready for the school year and there is not enough time. The burnout is horrible and the fact that the county doesn't consider their staff is disappointing. 

THIS CALENDAR should be an option, not an obligation. Families and Staff should be able to choose if they want to work in the summer. Taking into consideration staff mental health is essential and this is something that is being ignored. The money spent on this program is worthless. Every day we ensure our students needs are being met, we give our all but when it is time to make a change that is affecting mental health we are ignored. 

My students, colleagues, and I are burnt out and overwhelmed by the weight of the additional work during the summer. 


Why are we continuing to push this calendar when we DO NOT HAVE DATA to support that this program is benefiting our students? 

When are we going to address STUDENT AND STAFF BURNOUT? The calendar scenarios above are not completely truthful in that the time listed as breaks do not account for our 5 days of pre-service or any mandatory trainings we must attend. WE ARE TIRED. NO ONE IS LISTENING

Public Comment to @mocoboe: "It's time to end the Innovative School Calendar at Roscoe Nix Elementary School..."

January 18, 2024 
Montgomery County Board of Education Operating Budget Hearing, Rockville, Maryland

Follow the advocacy on the Innovative School Year calendar at Roscoe Nix ES and Arcola ES at this link