
Monday, January 22, 2024

January 22, 2024: Open Meetings Act Objection Filed

The following objection was filed today, January 22, 2024, with the Maryland Open Meetings Act Compliance Board. 


Under Maryland Open Meetings Act § 3-305(d)(3), I am filing an objection to the Montgomery County Board of Education's Closed meeting today for failure to comply with the Maryland Open Meetings Act Closed Session requirements.  

Today's Montgomery County Board of Education Closed Session was held without an Open Meeting to vote on whether the Board of Education would go into a Closed Session, and without notice to the public that a meeting would occur today. The Closed Session meeting was not listed on the Board of Education's public calendar (see attached). 
The public learned that there was a Board of Education closed session through media reports after the meeting was held.  
Janis Zink Sartucci
Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, MD
Formed in 2002, the Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland seeks to achieve the goals of coherent, content-rich curriculum standards; high expectations combined with timely remediation and acceleration; a wider range of educational options for parents and children; greater transparency and accountability; and meaningful community input.

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