
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

ALERT: Opportunity for Input on Next Maryland State Superintendent Search. Same Search Firm as Always.

State Superintendent Search

The Maryland State Board of Education is in the process of identifying a State Superintendent of Schools to serve for the term beginning on July 1, 2024, and continuing through June 30, 2028. The Maryland State Board of Education has retained Hazard, Young, and Attea (HYA) Associates to conduct a nationwide search for the next Maryland State Superintendent of Schools. Working alongside the State Board, the firm is assisting to lead recruitment, stakeholder engagement, vetting of qualified candidates, and conducting outreach to assist in the State Superintendent selection and appointment process. The State Board will provide updates throughout the process on this page.

Superintendent Search Survey

The Maryland State Board of Education is interested in your input as they seek to hire a new superintendent. This survey is designed to gather your perceptions of the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and Maryland's public schools. In addition, your thoughts about the importance of various characteristics found in effective superintendents will be sought. The information will be used to determine the desired characteristics of the next Maryland State Superintendent. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. The survey is conducted by a search firm, which ensures that your individual responses are kept anonymous and confidential.

Virtual Public Town Hall Meetings on State Superintendent Search

All town hall participants will be asked the same three questions during the event. The town hall facilitator will describe how they will call on participants at the beginning of the town hall.

Once feedback and data are collected from the town halls and other focus groups, the HYA team looks for themes that develop between responses and develop a Leadership Profile. Once the Maryland State Board of Education approves the Leadership Profile, it becomes the basis for recruiting, screening, and recommending candidates to the State Board.

The three questions are:

  1. What are the strengths of the Maryland State Department of Education, State Board of Education, and Maryland Public Schools in general?

  2. What are the most important challenges that the new superintendent will face?

  3. Name 2-3 characteristics (either professional or personal) that you believe would be needed for the new superintendent to be successful.

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