
Friday, January 12, 2024

@mcps Principal Praised Student Protesters After Teacher Reported That They Called To ‘Bring Hitler Back’

Principal gave excused absences for anti-Israel protest, inflating turnout by enticing those who wanted to skip class.

A Maryland high school principal promoted a “Palestinian” walk-out even after the faculty sponsor of the Muslim Student Association (MSA) warned that students involved allegedly threatened to “bring Hitler back” and “kill the Jews,” according to emails obtained by The Daily Wire.

Though the head of the MSA pleaded with Pamela Krawczel, principal of Paint Branch High School in Maryland’s Montgomery County, to condemn the calls to mass murder, Krawczel refused, the emails show...

...“It was a very eventful week here at PB that ended with a peaceful student-walk out. We estimate that around 500 students participated in this walk-out, some who were committed to the cause and others who had their own reasons for missing class,” she wrote.

Krawczel received two emails from the district headquarters that day on the question of whether she was required to give excused absences to students. The first said it was “best practices” for the principal to tell students what “consequences” there would be for participating in the protest, specifically including an unexcused absence. The second said the school system’s rulebook says that “[a]ny walk-out or departure from campus during the instructional day will be treated as an unexcused absence, given the disruptive impact on school operations.”..

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