
Friday, February 9, 2024

Councilmember Sayles and Luedtke - FYI: The former @mcps Damascus High School principal is hardly "just on the books," she is now an expert advisor to MCPS.

At the Montgomery County Council's joint committee hearing yesterday on the Inspector General's report on the investigation of MCPS' promotion practices, one topic that came up was how MCPS has been known to remove principals and other staff from schools and place them in the MCPS human relations department.  

Councilmember Luedtke's questioning gave the impression that MCPS just puts staff in HR as a bookkeeping formality and that the staff placed in human resources who are involved in controversial school matters are "just on the books."

Earlier in the hearing, Councilmember Sayles had asked about the status of the former Damascus High School principal and coach who were at the school during the time of the football locker room hazing and rape incidents.  

MCPS administrator April L. Key, Chief, Human Resources and Development, responded to questioning that yes, the former Damascus High School principal and coach at the time of the hazing rape incidents were still employed by MCPS. 

What Ms. Key did not relate is that not only is the former Damascus High School principal still employed by MCPS, still listed as working for the Office of Human Resources and Development, but she is also now considered an expert on sexual harassment claims and is advising MCPS on the corrective action plan.  

The former Damascus High School principal is hardly "just on the books," she is now an expert advisor to MCPS.  

People assigned to HR that are "just on the books."  

Sayles: "This past September MCPS was ordered to pay what was reported to be the largest settlement of its kind in the state.  Nearly $10 million dollars to the four victims of the 2017 - 2018 football hazing sexual assault case at Damascus High School.  Is the Coach and Principal still employed by MCPS, that was there during that time frame?

Key: "Yes, they are."


1 comment:

  1. The festive rocktown hillbillies
    Are tiptoeing through the lilies
    While the crooks and uncanny
    Are inside nooks and crannies.


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