
Thursday, February 15, 2024

Petition: BOE & @MCPS: Please continue to fund the Montgomery Virtual Academy @mocoboe


On behalf of the Montgomery Virtual Academy Parent Teacher Council, we are writing to express our strong support for the continuation of the Montgomery Virtual Academy program. As active participants in our students' education, we have witnessed firsthand the invaluable benefits that this program provides to students and families alike.

The Montgomery Virtual Academy offers a level of flexibility and accessibility that is unparalleled in traditional brick-and-mortar schools. For families with diverse needs and circumstances, such as medical conditions, learning styles, or scheduling conflicts, the Montgomery Virtual Academy serves as a lifeline, allowing students to receive a high-quality education from the comfort and safety of their own homes.

Furthermore, the Montgomery Virtual Academy fosters a sense of inclusivity and belonging for students who may feel marginalized or overlooked in a traditional classroom setting. By offering a virtual space for learning, the program accommodates students with diverse learning styles, preferences, and backgrounds, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to succeed academically and socially.

We would also like to commend the exemplary efforts of the deans, administrators, school staff, teachers, and paraprofessionals at the Montgomery Virtual Academy. Their dedication and commitment to supporting students and families have been truly remarkable. From providing personalized academic assistance to offering support and guidance, they have gone above and beyond to ensure that every student receives the attention and resources they need to thrive.

Shutting down the Montgomery Virtual Academy would be detrimental to students and their families. For many, this program represents the only feasible option for accessing education due to various constraints. Discontinuing this vital resource would not only disrupt the academic progress of students but also deprive them of a supportive learning environment tailored to their individual needs.

As members of the Montgomery Virtual Academy Parent Teacher Council, we have seen firsthand the positive impact of the Montgomery Virtual Academy on our students' academic performance, engagement, and overall well-being. The program not only provides challenging, engaging, and personalized instruction but also offers a supportive community of educators, counselors, and peers who are dedicated to the success and growth of every student.

In light of these benefits, we urge you to prioritize the continued support and growth of the Montgomery Virtual Academy program. By investing in virtual learning opportunities through the Montgomery Virtual Academy, you will not only meet the diverse needs of our students and families but also demonstrate a commitment to excellence, equity, and innovation in education.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we look forward to continuing our collaboration in support of the Montgomery Virtual Academy program.

Montgomery Virtual Academy Parent Teacher Council

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