
Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Predictable: The Cover-Up Continues with a Former @mcps Assoc. Sup. Running Council Hearing on MCPS.

On Thursday, February 8, 2024, the Montgomery County Council will hold a hearing "To review findings and recommendations of Office of Inspector General Report #OIG-24-08 and discuss next steps."

That's the title of the hearing as stated in the Staff Memorandum.    

But Council staff neglect to mention that one of its own staffers is a former very, very highly placed MCPS Associate Superintendent whose positions included supervising the MCPS human resources department from 2016-2021. Now that former MCPS Associate Superintendent is advising the Council how to run an oversight hearing on MCPS internal practices?  

Why disclose an obvious conflict of interest?  Who cares about ethics?  

The Council President has already announced his decision to not put any witnesses under oath.  Why get into the messy issue of his staff person who should probably be at the witness table instead of on the Council dais?  

Exactly what did Council staffer Essie McGuire know about complaints regarding Joel Beidleman and when did she know that information?  That question will not be asked by Councilmembers. Ever. 

The former MCPS Associate Superintendent who now works for the Council has once again done an excellent job of supplying the Council with a packet of garbage for tomorrow's hearing.  46 pages of MCPS policies and procedures all easily accessible on the MCPS website via a simple link.  46 pages of policies and procedures copied into the packet for the meeting to make it "look" like Councilmembers are being given something of substance. 

The former MCPS Associate Superintendent who now works for the Council neglects to mention anything about the powers the Council has to put witnesses under oath or to issue subpoenas.  

Once again, a nice thick packet with zero substance.  

9/26/2023 SURPRISE! County Council is "briefed" on MCPS Beidleman Matter by their staff, who is (surprise) former MCPS Assoc. Superintendent & who oversaw MCPS Human Resources

1 comment:

    The sage has finally spoken
    Nothing seems to be broken
    It was just a case of illusion
    Creating so much confusion.


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