
Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Reminder: The Budgetpalooza is coming up! Tuesday Feb 20th, Zoom Only!


3,322,303,371 DOLLARS

158,231 STUDENTS



 Come Join the Parents' Coalition, the Montgomery County Civic Federation, and the Montgomery County Taxpayers League for the Reconstituted Budgetpalooza 

Tuesday February 20th 7-9 pm Zoom Only! 

To register for the Zoom:

Come for an open discussion as we go chapter by chapter through the MCPS Proposed FY25 Operating Budget. 

 Hashtag #Budgetpalooza24


  1. Dear Ms. Silvestre:

    How can you allow the return of Dana E. Edwards to her position as chief of district operations? She was placed on leave as the culprit behind the cover-up of the misconduct of Joel Beidleman during her tenure as an officer in human resources. The investigation conducted by the Montgomery County Maryland Office of the Inspector General revealed and confirmed very troubling unprofessional behavior of Dana E. Edwards.

    Furthermore, Ms. Edwards portrayed egregious and unethical behavior. Her behavior and actions warrant dismissal as she lacks professionalism. How can the interim superintendent begin to restore trust and confidence for all staff and community members when a person with no scruples is allowed to return to a high-level leadership position? This is just unconscionable. So, her actions are overlooked and has the Board of Education sanctioned her unprofessional, unethical behaviors?

    The Professional Standards for Education Leaders (PSEL 2015), standard two speaks to ethics and that “effective educational leaders act ethically and according to professional norms to promote success and well-being.” The expected norms are that leaders, “act ethically and professionally in personal conduct, relationships with others, and [in] decision-making. Moreover, leaders, should “act according to and promote the professional norms of integrity, fairness, transparency, and trust.” Additionally, leaders should, “provide moral direction for the school [district] and promote ethical and professional behavior amongst staff.” So, I am perplexed as to why an unethical, untrustworthy, and unprofessional individual is allowed to return to an executive level position.

    The erosion has begun and never in the history of Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) has there been a significant number of resignations and retirements of principals, seventeen, prior to the end of the 2023-2024 academic year. Dana Edwards’ return to this position will continue to erode the confidence of the greater MCPS community and her mere presence in the organization will be detrimental to the culture and climate of MCPS.

    Genuinely concerned,

  2. Whether it is money out the window
    Or whether is money down the drain
    The parents and students always lose
    While the fat cats always seen to gain.


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parentscoalitionmc AT