
Monday, May 6, 2024

Breaking: MCPS Keeps Bus in Service after this! "The engine in the rear of the bus malfunctioned causing eight gallons of highly pressurized antifreeze to be poured and aerosolized around the entire cabin, saturating everyone's clothing, backpacks, and contacting skin and eyes..."


To:  Montgomery County Board of Education
From: Concerned Parents of Montgomery County Public Schools Students

We are writing today with grave concerns regarding recent incidents involving the malfunctioning of school buses within our district. As a collective, we feel compelled to bring these issues to your attention and demand immediate action to address them.

On Friday May 3rd, 2024, students at Westland Middle School riding bus 1113 were subjected to a terrifying, traumatizing and nearly disastrous safety situation.
The engine in the rear of the bus malfunctioned causing eight gallons of highly pressurized antifreeze to be poured and aerosolized around the entire cabin, saturating everyone's clothing, backpacks, and contacting skin and eyes.

The main ingredient of antifreeze, ethylene glycol, is a toxic alcohol. It can cause chemical burns and can cause kidney failure and death if as little as two teaspoons are swallowed.
Firefighters used a low pressure fire hose to decontaminate all of the kids.

They said we were very lucky that the engine had not been running for longer, because superheated antifreeze would have resulted in thermal burns and a Mass Casualty Incident.
The children arrived to school tardy, soaking wet, with their possessions in biohazard bags.

The safety and well-being of our children should be paramount, and it is unacceptable that such incidents are occurring within our school transportation system.

Furthermore,  the same bus was utilized for transportation in the afternoon-- despite children reporting a smell on the bus, and seats and floors that were still wet and sticky.
This demonstrates a lack of oversight and accountability within the transportation department, putting the children at risk of further harm.

Regrettably, the problems persisted into the following school day, Monday May 6th, when the same buses broke down again, causing children to be late for school once more. These recurring malfunctions highlight systemic failures in maintaining the safety and reliability of our school buses, and they cannot be overlooked or dismissed.

It is imperative that immediate action is taken to address these serious maintenance and safety concerns within our school transportation system. As concerned parents, we demand the following actions be taken:

1. A thorough investigation into the maintenance protocols and procedures for school buses, with a focus on identifying and rectifying any deficiencies.
2. Immediate inspection of all buses in operation to ensure they meet safety standards and are fit for transporting students.
3. Implementation of a robust system for monitoring and reporting bus maintenance issues, with clear protocols for addressing them promptly.
4. Transparent communication with parents regarding any incidents or concerns related to school bus safety, including updates on corrective actions taken.

Our children deserve to travel to and from school in a safe and secure environment, and it is the responsibility of Montgomery County Public Schools to ensure that this fundamental expectation is met. We urge you to take decisive action to address these issues and prioritize the safety of our students above all else.

We look forward to your prompt response and the concrete steps that will be taken to address these urgent concerns. Thank you for your attention to this critical matter regarding our children's safety.




  2. The above petition may facilitate a response in a timely manner. Changing a culture of neglect and abuse will require the attention of many stakeholders who really care about children and their well-beginning.
    Lavern Crump
    A former MCPS employee

    1. Based on my personal experience, the staff deserves praises. However, the administration's priority is preserving the pristine school image at the expense of the children's well-being.


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