
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Feb. 2024: Loudon School Board Adopts $1.8B Budget, Adds Virtual Distance Elementary

...Kari LaBell (Catoctin) proposed an amendment to bring back Virtual Loudoun Elementary, including hiring seven additional teachers: four first through fifth grade teachers, one music teacher, one art teacher and one P.E. teacher. She proposed the funds come from the flexible staffing fund, which is typically used for positions for one year only and said they would reassess the need after that. 

LaBell said she had listened to parents struggle for the past year with worry over their medically fragile children and hoped the rest of the board “would join her in giving them peace.”

Chair Melinda Mansfield (Dulles) said the proposal to bring back Virtual Loudoun Elementary was a joint effort by all nine board members and the staff. 

Several Virtual Loudoun Elementary Parents have been speaking at board meetings for over a year asking for the program to be brought back. 

The amendment passed unanimously...

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