
Thursday, May 23, 2024

@mocoboe Goes Into Closed Session After Evening Meeting without Agenda or Notice. [Open Meetings Act violation]

Apparently the Montgomery County Board of Education has given up completely on following any procedures or laws.   

Why bother with the Open Meetings Act? They got their $3.3 Billion to play with, maybe they are planning their next holiday party? 

After a long day with a 7 hour Closed Session during the day, followed by an Open Meeting that was shut down twice by protesters on two different issues, the Board of Education ended their public meeting by going into a surprise, unannounced Closed Session without any agenda.

The Maryland Open Meetings Act requires that a board hold an open session to vote on going into a closed session. At the open session, the closed session agenda is to be announced and voted on.  A closed session is a choice, it's not required and the public has the right to know what a board is going to discuss in a closed session before the closed session begins.   

But who cares? Watch as the Montgomery County Board of Education ignores the Maryland Open Meetings Act.

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