
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Interim Superintendent Felder, "humbled and thrilled to be back in the district," continues to vote in North Carolina

Interim Superintendent Monique Felder, who stated back in February 2024 that she was "humbled and thrilled to be back in the district," is apparently still living in North Carolina.  

North Carolina voting records show that Felder voted in person in North Carolina as recently as May 11, 2024, more than three months after her appointment as MCPS interim superintendent.

Felder also stated in her message:
"I will be actively present in our schools, classrooms, hallways, and the community at large. I am eager to listen to you, to learn about your immediate challenges and points of pride and to build your trust in me through transparency and engagement. I am committed to being an approachable leader who values the voices of all stakeholders."

There's a material inconsistency here.  If Felder is "actively present" in MCPS schools and in the community at large, then it stands to reason that she lives in or near Montgomery County.  What gives her the right to vote in North Carolina?  And if Felder actually lives in North Carolina, how can she be "actively present" in Montgomery County?

Felder needs to reconcile this residency and voting inconsistency with a public explanation.


  1. Perhaps she discovered a wormhole in the time space continuum.

  2. Um I guess you never went to college? You don’t change residency every time you move or every college kid would have to change their residency. If you intend to return to the state you came from, you retain your home state residency. She is an Interim Super - why would she change residency until she got the permanent job?


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