
Monday, July 15, 2024

MCPS Official: Lack of Student Progress Is ‘Highly Concerning. It Is A Call To Action’

Montgomery County Public School (MCPS) students are slowly recovering from the pandemic, but not quickly enough, according to district officials who reported to the County Council Education Culture committee Thursday.

Also, they noted, White students are progressing at a higher rate than Black, Latino and multilingual students.

“We are seeing the opportunity gaps grow,” said Committee Chair Will Jawando. “We are seeing our White students bounce back faster.”

Peter Moran, chief of schools, called the data covering the winter of the 2023-2024 school year for students in grades kindergarten, three, six and nine, “highly concerning. It is a call to action.”..

1 comment:

  1. “We are seeing the opportunity gaps grow,” said Committee Chair Will Jawando. “We are seeing our White students bounce back faster.”
    Sadly, we are not seeing any tangible results of his bold statement:
    "Jawando says he contacted the college president directly. He also spoke about how there could be certain privacy reasons for why certain information still hasn’t been shared but says he does believe the professor should be named and will push for that."


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