
Thursday, December 5, 2024

Some Montgomery County high schools will offer a Holocaust studies course

Amid calls for Montgomery County Public Schools to educate its students more on the Holocaust, some high schools in the district will offer an elective course next year on the history surrounding the World War II murder by Nazi Germany and its collaborators of about 6 million Jews.

The semester-long course will give students an “in-depth historical analysis of the Holocaust and the events and ideas which led to the Holocaust and the aftermath of the Holocaust,” according to a summary given to the Montgomery school board. It was one of several elective courses unanimously approved by the board earlier in November.

The decision comes after the school system — Maryland’s largest with over 160,000 students — saw several antisemitic incidents in recent years, ranging from students drawing swastikas on classroom desks and in bathrooms to a person spray painting “Jews Not Welcome” across Walt Whitman High School’s entrance sign...

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