
Sunday, April 26, 2009

IB for All in MCPS - A Great Idea

At the April 14, 2009 Board of Education meeting, Dr. Weast introduced his support for IB/AP classes for all MCPS students as a means of preparing a college ready student body. While Board members expressed concern for the financial aspects and ability of MCPS schools to have a critical scale/capacity to offer this "new tradition," Dr. Weast did not provide an implementation plan.

We may see some of the PLAN at the April 28, 2009 Board of Education meeting, when Dr. Weast introduces his "Seven Keys to College Readiness."

But - as a parent with kids who have done lots of IB and AP courses - here is my view of the instructional/educational merits. Caveat - this is not a discussion of how many or whether students receive advanced college standing as a result of these courses or how the Blair Magnet compares to the RM program. I'll leave these topics for future postings.

The idea to switch to International Baccalaureate classes is brilliant. This is the first time in a long while I can endorse something out of Carver. The program is excellent, intense, and provides students with comprehensive skills that extend far beyond the subject matter of the course. IB has internal and external assessments that occur over the entire duration of the course. Unlike AP courses, with their one three hour exam, IB provides multiple opportunities for student assessments, both written and oral. It is extreme learning - the ultimate in education. Although the Richard Montgomery Magnet is considered geared towards those with a humanities bent, with the Montgomery Blair Magnet thought of as the tech program, all scientists and mathematicians need to write, and speaking/writing are an integral part of the IB program.

In listening to the Board discussion, I note that Dr. Weast did not outline a plan for implementation of the AP/IB program. We are in tight financial times, our resources are limited, and our students, like many across the country, must choose wisely.

Here is my plan.

1. Choose one or two IB courses and offer them exclusively in MCPS high schools. My first choice would be IB Higher Level English; second choice would be IB Higher Level World History. The advantage of English is that students need to take English through their senior year anyway, this would just substitute one course for another; with history you would get an extra year beyond the diploma requirements - but that's part of a world class education.

2. Do not offer an AP course in IB subjects. Students who take an IB higher level course cover more than what is needed to sit for an AP exam in the same subject; any student who wants to take the AP exam can still do so.

3. Adequately fund the program to provide the teacher training, assessments, and postage (a significant sum to mail the materials to Geneva for evaluation). Do not follow the elementary William and Mary program or Silver Spring International MS MYP examples by offering a "lite" version of the program. Either do it right, or don't do it at all.

4. Note that my plan is not about the quality of educators in our classrooms - my other child who is currently in AP World History and AP English Language has benefited from terrific teachers, but the material just simply doesn't compare with IB program. Look at the summer reading lists for IB English at Richard Montgomery or IB HL World Studies.

5. Finally, IB English and /or IB World history will provide each child with the life skills of time management while solving the question of how to keep kids interested in high school throughout their senior year. No child enrolled in an IB higher level course can slack off. The constant assessments, deadlines, and sheer volume of the projects will keep all MCPS students engaged.

I look forward to seeing the proposals from Dr. Weast and the Board of Education. Stay tuned.

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