
Monday, April 27, 2009

MCPS and the Limited Language Offerings Excuse to Cut Educational Programs

At the April 14, 2009 MCPS Board of Education meeting where Dr. Weast introduced his concept of IB for all MCPS students to make them college ready, he announced that MCPS would be transitioning from offering 11 languages to 3, because only three were offered by the IBO program.

Not true, Dr. Weast.

As an International Program, IBO offers a variety of language. The IBO offers its programs in 45 "first" languages. From the website, the IBO states:

Group 1: language A1
It is a requirement of the programme that students study at least one subject from group 1. Language A1 is the study of literature in a student’s first language, including the study of selections of world literature. Forty five languages are regularly available at either higher level or standard level.

And for a second requirement, IBO requires that students in the diploma program acquire an indepth understanding of a second language - and offers a variety of modern languages PLUS classical Greek and

Again, from the website:

Group 2: second language
The main emphasis of the modern language courses is on language acquisition and use in a range of contexts and for different purposes. Three options are available to accommodate students with different backgrounds.

Language ab initio courses are for beginners, ie students who have no previous experience of learning the language they have chosen. These courses are only available at standard level.

Language B courses are intended for students who have had some previous experience of learning the language. They may be studied at either higher level or standard level.

Language A2 courses are designed for students who have a high level of competence in the language they have chosen. They include the study of both language and literature, and are available at higher level and standard level.

So - why is MCPS cutting back on its language offerings if we are embracing the IB model for our students?

Maybe Dr. Weast should do some research and find out what the IB program really involves academically, before he commits our resources to its implementation. Its more than geographic proximity to the US IB office that is needed before this highly rated program will work within the confines of Montgomery County Schools and its limited course offerings.

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