
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Monocacy ES's new roof!

On Friday, October 23, 2009, Superintendent Weast released a memorandum announcing his surprise plan to close Monocacy Elementary School in Dickerson, Maryland. Superintendent Weast left out a few details in his memorandum. 

Here is one of the details he left out.  This summer Monocacy Elementary School received a new $200,000 roof courtesy of Maryland State Public School construction funds.  
Here is a picture of the Monocacy Elementary School roof from Google Earth:

Please thank Governor Martin O'Malley for the new roof, too bad it won't be on a school that is in use.
(And thank youself, too! You paid for it.)

Update: Total cost of new Monocacy Elementary School roof was $509,135 as shown in Board of Education minutes.

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