
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Portables for Poolesville

Montgomery County Public Schools utilizes a long term planning process for determing school facilities needs.  The timeline for the long term planning process is shown here. Each spring, MCPS releases the Educational Master Plan that is used for long term planning.

Using the June 2009 MCPS Educational Master Plan, the image below shows what Superintendent Weast's surprise announcement to close Monocacy Elementary School and move those students to Poolesville Elementary, would look like for Poolesville Elementary.

Maybe this is why Superintendent Weast came out with "new long term enrollment projections" for Monocacy Elementary on October 23, 2009.  According to the MCPS June 2009 long term projections, Poolesville Elementary will be overcapacity by 2014. 
The new October 23, 2009, Monocacy Elementary long term projections greatly soften the blow on the overcrowding that would come to Poolesville Elementary School if the June Educational Master Plan projections were used.

Most important is that the 6 year MCPS FY 2011-2016 Capital Improvement Program released by Superintendent Weast does not include any funding for a capital project at Poolesville Elementary. 

Any overcrowding that results from the closing of Monocacy Elementary will be handled by the placement of portable classrooms at Poolesville Elementary. 

There's a lot riding on Superintendent Weast's brand new enrollment projections for Monocacy Elementary School. Let's hope they are accurate.

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