
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

We are saved! We have found the North Star!

Once again, a MCPS employee has given a testimonial for an outside vendor.  See the image on the left highlighting the statement from Dr. Michael Perich of MCPS.  In this testimonial MCPS' Dr. Perich sings the praises of C. Jackson Grayson's APQC organization. Dr. Perich is quoted as a "leading administrator". (Who is Dr. Perich?)

What brought about this testimonial? MCPS has apparently been saved by C. Jackson Grayson's "North Star".

Remember C. Jackson Grayson?  His APQC organization gave Superintendent Weast an award in 2008.

C. Jackson Grayson's product is the "North Star" approach to school reform.  Grayson assures that his North Star product works! Why? Because it has already "yielded substantial changes in outcomes" in school districts, including Montgomery County, Maryland.  The white paper (see bottom of page 4) on his success says so!

What the white paper doesn't say is APQC is a membership organization and MCPS is a member (see page 4) of APQC.  That's right, Montgomery County taxpayers have funded MCPS' membership in this organization.

How much does MCPS' membership cost ($6,000 for some companies) per year? Where has the data on the use of this product been reported to the Board of Education?

Here is what the public knows:
  • MCPS is a member of APQC.
  • APQC gave Superintendent Weast an award.
  • "North Star" approach used on Board of Education retreat.
  • MCPS administrators tell Harvard writers that they are using APQC's "North Star" product.
  • MCPS "leading administrator" gives testimonial for APQC's product.
  • Results from use of the APQC product are not found in Board of Education minutes, but are touted in promotional materials for APQC.
If we have found the "North Star" it would be nice to know what that means, how much we paid for it, and to see the data that proves we have been rescued!

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