
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

While Weast away, Bowers in charge

Looks like MCPS Chief Operating Officer Larry Bowers is in charge of the school system this week during the record breaking blizzard of 2010.

That means Superintendent Weast is free to be in Arizona this week at the Phoenix Convention Center, assuming he got out a flight out of town!

Who is Larry Bowers? You might remember he is the MCPS employee who signed the lease for Promethean Boards, even though the document called for the signature of the Board of Education.

Washington Post - The Answer Sheet: MoCo schools hope to open next Tuesday
That’s why Montgomery County Superintendent Jerry Weast bowed to reality today and decided to close schools for the rest of the week on the recommendation of his chief operating officer, Larry Bowers, who assessed the state of the roads and the school buildings, district spokesman Dana Tofig said...
...“If Mother Nature cooperates, and if after tomorrow we don’t get another drop of snow, I feel pretty good that we can open on Tuesday,” Tofig said. "But Mr. Bowers will keep evaluating that over the weekend.”
Bowers collected a lot of information from staff sent out to the schools to start cleaning up and assessing the situation, as well as folks who were on the roads that lead up to schools...

1 comment:

  1. I can say that the three Poolesville schools had not been plowed as of yesterday. Some poor soul was using a snowblower on the parking lot at Pooolesville High and I don't even think that he was an employee


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