
Friday, March 5, 2010

Weast saves travel, credit cards, litigation - cuts teachers

In a memorandum to MCPS staff today, Superintendent Jerry Weast announced his plan for FY11 budget cuts.

Saved from the budget axe will be staff travel, staff meals paid for with MCPS credit cards, staff signing for multi-million dollar purchases for the Board of Education, artificial turf, the Cyber-Cafe for administrators, coffee for administrators, and extensive litigation undertaken by outside attorneys at an hourly rate.

Cut, however, will be classroom teachers.

Remember that the FY10 Budget was already at an all time low for the percent of the budget going to instruction at 55.4%; down from 60.1% of the budget in 2002.

Please note that the memorandum from Superintendent Weast neglects to put a dollar figure on the savings to be realized by cutting 252 classroom teaching positions.  Why is that important detail left out?

3/6/10 UPDATE:  A breakdown of the budget numbers and the choice made by Superintendent Weast to cut classroom teachers over administrators here.

3/7/10 UPDATE:  The Examiner - Montgomery schools chief warns of jobs losses


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