
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bullying Policy: "What has been done has failed"

Gazette: Readers weigh in on bullying

Questioning need for bullying policy

...The BOE, by even voting on a new policy, is endorsing the fact that the policies the BOE put in place have failed and so have the administrators the school system has put in charge of our children. What has been done has failed, so help me understand how a new policy will be any different than the old policy in its effectiveness if those who are tasked with its creation and oversight remain the same.
Perhaps the time and money being spent on these new initiatives would be better spent on new administration candidate searches. If the people in place at all levels of the school system will not or cannot enforce current policy, it is time to find administrators who will. Schools that have been able to start anew have had success; see Northwest High School.
Thomas Brennan, Germantown
The writer is a member of The Northwest High School Coalition of Concerned Parents.

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